06 Aug 2004 00:03:39
Cheapo problem
I don't know what happens, but when I tried to create a set of my levels, a window appeared an tell me: "Was not found". Then another window appeared and tell me: " Please wait while the levels are copied", nothing happened during this time. I tried to cancel and the same first window appeared: "Was not found". I was unable to return under Windows, so I restarted my computer. How can I resolve this? :???:
14 Aug 2004 01:35:23
Re: Cheapo problem
I think it's because you either:

1: put these levels in a folder
2: moved the Cheapo folder

I don't know. If either these have happened, put the levels/Cheapo folder to where they/it belong/belongs.
04 Oct 2004 16:03:45
Re: Cheapo problem
I also have a problem In Cheapo.
Mine keeps telling me
Main Game Crash Info:
Cannot Create DirectSound.
Please could someone tell me how to fix this problem.

Cheers, Adam
29 Oct 2004 21:09:29
Re: Cheapo problem
Make sure you have DirectX installed (version 7 at least) and a sound card. If you have those then, uh... I don't know.
29 Oct 2004 21:55:25
Re: Cheapo problem
Make sure you have DirectX installed (version 7 at least) and a sound card. If you have those then, uh... I don't know.

Peter, I reinstalled my Sound Card Drivers and Everything is ok
Cheers, Adam